Artisan Savant Floristry
Florist Choice Bouquet
Florist Choice Bouquet
We provide efficient next-day and named-day delivery across Ipswich and the United Kingdom, seven days a week. We partner with DPD to ensure premium-quality nationwide deliveries. Delivery is a fixed cost of £12.50, and we also provide a complimentary Click & Collect service from our studio.
To ensure timely arrival, orders must be placed by 3 p.m. However, if you do miss the 3 p.m. deadline, please feel free to contact us via telephone at 01473 970 197 and we may be able to accommodate a next-day delivery.
Please note that we are unable to deliver to certain areas, such as the Scottish Isles, Northern Ireland, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, and Scilly Isles.
Size Guide This bouquet is available in a Medium (40-45cm) and Large (50-55cm) size. The bouquet photographed is a medium size.
Stem Substitutions Please be aware that although we can't always guarantee the same stem varieties displayed, we will still make sure your arrangement is fresh, beautiful, and appreciated by the recipient!
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